Does Friendly Fish offer dine-in options?
Friendly Fish is a grab-and-go only service.
Does Friendly Fish offer delivery?
Yes, you can order in-store or pre-order for collection via our website.
Does Friendly Fish provide catering services?
Yes, we do! Friendly Fish offers catering options for birthdays, company events and more. For all catering enquiries, contact us at orders@friendlyfish.com
Does Friendly Fish cater to guests with food sensibilities?
We’re working on it! Right now, we’re unable to accommodate special requests. We urge customers with food sensibilities to check our allergen list online or scan the QR code on our packaging for more information.
How fresh is the sushi at Friendly Fish?
As fresh as can be! Every piece of sushi we make is delivered, rolled and then sold that same day.
Is Friendly Fish as friendly as it sounds?
Swear to cod! From our planet-friendly packaging to our sustainable sourcing practices, we aim to keep our carbon fin-print as low as can possibly be.